
Feb 7, 20211 min

Getting back on track with your goals

It's amazing how quickly the things we've worked so hard to integrate into our lives can quickly fall away. In just two weeks, I've fallen away from regular workouts, serving others, reading, quality/solid sleep and fueling myself and my passion.

Things happen. Life happens. But what's important is to remember why you started and to get back on track with what you want to accomplish.

When I'm trying to get back on track in my life, I find it's best to work in smaller chunks. For me, that means 1 week at a time, but if that's too long for you, then focus on 1 day at a time. Snd show yourself some grace, will you?

This week I am committing to:

Moving my body / walking every other day for at least 30 minutes.

Start each day with a dancing playlist.

Get back to my evening / sleep routing.

Three things.

I started to add more, but I'm taking my own advice that I tell my clients and start with a small, manageable amount. I can add more or change them as the weeks go on. But this is my starting point.

Want to join me? Drop in the comments what you're committing to for this week and let's do it together!
